Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Since the newbees are getting anxious about the Katy Trip, let me summarize.

Bob, Bruce, and I have been coordinating these tours over the last 20 years.

We have a procedure that works best for everyone.

As Bob established ages ago,"We plan in great detail and ask everyone execute in great flexibility."


The Katy Tour was laid out by Bob and Bruce. Bruce agreed to be the "tour director." I picked up from Bruce, as "backup tour director," when he had medical problems. We are trying to accommodate everyone's preferences. I won't "finalize" until May 12th and distribute all the details to everyone. Here is the current draft.

- We have a 7 hour drive to St. Charles with Ross and Phil driving their vehicles.

- We have a 5 hour drive from St. Charles with Ross & Doug (U-haul) driving to Kansas City.

We need to be ready to go on Sunday afternoon.

- Ross will arrive at my house with his bike in the van. We'll add my bike/gear inside the van.

- Bruce, Mark, and Jimmy will load bikes in van's rack. Bruce and Jimmy gear inside the van. Mark will take his gear to Phil's house.

- Doug and Phil will load their bikes and gear in Phil's house.

We need to depart (caravan style) around 6:30 AM on Monday morning.

- Everyone can leave cars in my driveway.

- Phil and Doug drive directly to U-Haul, pickup truck, and drive to Bike Shop.

We need to depart (caravan style) around 2:30 AM on Monday afternoon from Bike Shop. 610 S Main St, Saint Charles, MO 63301

- We load bikes/gear (Doug, Phil, Bruce, Mark, and Bob's) into U-haul.

- We will have bubble pack and ropes for bikes securing.

Arrive Kansas City motel around 7:30 PM on Monday.

- Don 't unload bikes just have dinner and do to bed.

In Kansas City motel around 9:00 AM on Tuesday.

- Unload bikes.

- Drop off U-Haul

In Kansas City motel around 11:00 AM on Tuesday - START PEDALING


Here is the expense plan

- On May 12th, I will send everyone "a bill." Pay CASH to Ross and Phil before leaving my house.

- Everyone pays the motel as we go. I will have a schedule for sharing "roomies" and settling up. Mostly (Bob/Bruce, Ross/Tom, Jimmy/Phil, Doug (single), Mark camping.)


Pedaling plan

- Everyone rides as it best suits them. Make sure you have Life360. I expect it to be HOT. Try to plan to start at 8 AM (rain and clear).

- Try to stay as group, but that never happens. Stop at SAG points, lunch, and motel. Ross has a large cooler for drinks.

- On May 12th, I will distribute the SAG schedule per everyone's preferences and GPS points for SAG. Bruce does every first SAG and Ross does last half (after lunch). We have room for FIVE in SAG in case you're feeling poorly.

- On May 12th, I distribute CUE Lists and RideWithGPS routes. You should download your files for your Wahoo, Garmin, and cellphones.

- Mark is making his own plans to coordinate with the group.


ENDING, May 27th

- We should finish around 3PM or earlier in Bike Shop.

- Load bikes in van/Phil's in same manner as we drop at the start.

- Bob will settle with Bike Shop and go to his motel. We'll drop Bob at his motel near the airport.

- We drive to H'ville.



- I suggest everyone (except Ross and Bob) join at OCTO lunch, May 16th, at Sander's Ferry Pizza.

- I will be in Knoxville Friday & Saturday.



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